If you love and play tennis ball cricket and hitting bounda-ries then
let me introduce the next evolution in tennis ball cricket batting
performace…..The Cricket Racket
The Cricket Racket is a hybrid cross between a Cricket Bat and a Tennis Rac-quet….its the size of a cricket bat but the weight of a tennis racquet….Its strung like a racquet but you hit the ball like a cricket bat….Cricket Racket…..
The Cricket Racket is designed for playing with a soft ball such as a tennis ball and offers batters huge performance advantages when playing tennis ballcricket over a traditional cricket bat such as increased power and nincreadibly light weight resulting in increadible shot selection, improvisation
and perfomance….
your going to love it!!!
The Cricket Racket is a hybrid cross between a Cricket Bat and a Tennis
Rac-quet….its the size of a cricket bat but the weight of a tennis racquet….Its
strung like a racquet but you hit the ball like a cricket bat….Cricket Racket…..
The Cricket Racket is designed for playing with a soft ball such as a tennis ball
and offers batters huge performance advantages when playing tennis
ballcricket over a traditional cricket bat such as increased power and
increadibly light weight resulting in increadible shot selection, improvisation
and perfomance….
your going to love it!!!
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